Shadow Clan member Shogunna comes together with West Coast Killa Bee producer Anthai the Protagonist (71Raw), for an intensely lyrical...
Tag Archive for: Shogunna
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Shogunna – Coffee & Cigarettes (produced by Anthai)
, Singles, Video, 71Raw, Anthai, Hip-Hop, Shadow Clan, Shogunna, West Coast, 0new single/video by Shogunna, produced by Anthai. 71Raw/Shadow Clan joint venture on Thrice Great Records. In stores 6-23-17
Shogunna – Cross the Galaxies
, Music, 71 raw, Anthai, Rap, Shadow Clan, Shogunna, The Creator has a Master Plan, 0Shogunna of the Shadow Clan drops one produced by West Coast producer Anthai of 71 Raw. An Epic meeting...